WOW can things change in just one short year! Gary was a manufacturing engineer for 21 years and I was an Engineering Project/Program Lead for 25 years. We had very intense but rewarding careers that had a big impact on who we both are today.

Gary retired on June 2020 and I had to officially “quit” since I wasn’t “of age to retire”. We were able to do this partly due to my retirement savings since I had a job and pretty frugal tendencies when Gary and I met. We are one of this “FIRED” folks – Financially Independent Retire Early people. I don’t write a lot about it since there are so many great folks doing that right now. But maybe in the future. If you’re interested, you can check out the one video I did about our FIRE journey here.

We now travel full-time in our 2018 Host Cascade truck camper and our 2020 Ram 5500 and Sherptek bed.

It’s been a great journey so far, and we’re looking forward to what this new lifestyle continues to bring our way. Gary is a mere 55 years old and is enjoying more relaxing days (when we’re not hiking or fixing something)…

I’m so proud to say I officially retired in my 40s (ok, late 40s, but who’s counting)! However, my new “job” is to film and create videos and share on YouTube and this website to share our experiences! And enjoy the scenery on the way!

I hope you come along and join us on our adventure – to where? You’ll have to find out by watching us on YouTube and checking out our blogs here.

Thanks for stopping by!