After our visit to North Carolina, we had the opportunity to stay in the North Carolina mountains. We found a great campsite, but we chose to not pay for hookups.

This helps with our bottom line on our trip, but it does create challenges when you have to wash your hair and its near freezing. I’m not one to get that cold, so I set out to find a way to get my hair dry so I was ready for a chilly morning walk.
During the summer, I regularly used a 12V fan that we have in the camper to take the dampness out of my hair. In the summer, I don’t mind when its slightly damp, so it didn’t take too long.
When its in the 40s, blow drying with the 12V fan was just a bit to chilly for me. But… we were using the propane heater to keep the truck camper in the low 60s. Why not use some of that air?

There’s a heater vent just below our dinette table that looked like a good opportunity. I was able to have enough cord from our 12V outlet to reach the vent. So, I sat on the floor and used the fan to blow the warm air on my hair. It is obviously not as efficient as a blow dryer, but it worked fairly well. No real great way to style it (the air wasn’t THAT warm), but good enough for government work.
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