We’re avid bicyclers.
Ok, we used to be. Sort of. Maybe we just think of ourselves

If you know us, when we put our mind to something, we go all in. And that’s certainly no different when we go travelling! One of our excursions was to bike Washington Island while visiting Door County.
Twenty, thirty miles or so. No problem, we’ve done fifty or sixty mile runs before (more than a few years ago, though!). So, piece of cake.
That is, unless you decide… “hey, let’s go climb this tower 20 miles into your biking trip”!

Yep. Our legs were burning by the end, but in the end, we felt pretty accomplished. And a little bit shaky-legged.
Did I say that there were steps to get to the lookout tower? We should’ve counted them.

I guess I was too focused on making one foot go in front of the other. 🙂

All in all, the tower view was nice. It would be spectacular in a few more weeks with the fall foliage, and probably perfect at sunrise or sunset. For us, we can wear the sweaty badge of honor of making it through and finishing the remaining bike ride.
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